Getting there Starts Here.

Call us 1-800-546-3090

Whether you join us to recover from injury or surgery, to overcome short-term illness, or to live a full life despite disability, we get you stronger with a multidisciplinary approach to health and wellness.

Subacute Care

Working with each individual resident, we customize plans across a varied subacute menu:

Complex Medical Care

Excel Healthcare is recognized by local hospitals as more clinically capable than the average rehab facility. That’s why they often discharge complex, comorbid cases into our caring hands. From wound treatment to pain management and beyond, our Complex Medical Care Program delivers all the skills and resources needed to maximize life expectancy.

Cardiac Therapies

Cardiac recovery is significant at Excel Healthcare, with our reputation earned for an extensive program that integrates physical exercise, behavior modification, diet, and resident education. Individuals with heart disease rediscover a level of ability they long thought bygone, and get more out of every day.


The Jintronix biofeedback system can be used safely on the first day of rehab. And faster starts lead to faster recoveries and discharges. It uses computer gaming technology and multiple motion sensors to make your therapy more fun and more effective.

Walk-Tech Treadmill with Progress Monitor

Walking on a treadmill is an excellent source of exercise that puts less stress on the body than walking on any surface outside. Benefits include heart strength and weight control, while also allowing the therapist to closely monitor the Resident.

Sci-Fit Bike-in-Place System

Biking in place can take you far down the path to recovery. Our therapists design individualized biking programs, helping Residents to increase cardiovascular fitness, enhance joint mobility, decrease stress and improve coordination.

Safeguard Step-Up Staircase

Working on stairs is one of the most important and beneficial exercises in the rehabilitation process. It strengthens muscles in the legs, improves balance, and restores confidence—all vital steps to a successful outcome.

Multipurpose, Pro-Balance Parallel Bars

The road to recovery begins and ends with walking—first with the help of parallel bars and then on your own. Following injury, illness or surgery, it helps restore mobility, reduce pain, improve flexibility, and enhance aerobic fitness. Every step is a stride toward recovery.

Multi-Level, Adjustable Weight Program

A weightlifting program, individualized to meet each Resident’s needs and goals, improves bone density and motor performance, enhancing the ability to perform activities of daily living.